Virtual Coaching: How to Get the Most out of Every Session

| Jun 1, 2020

woman in distance coaching using skype

Since founding The Leets Consortium, Peter Leets had one thought in mind, to provide an exceptional corporate coaching service that our clients could benefit from anywhere in the world they had a need. That means we have highly trained coaches around the world that are well versed in delivering our services virtually as well as face-to-face.

We pride ourselves in continually tailoring, adapting and updating our services to provide enduring client satisfaction. Consistently exceeding expectations and building long term relationships between our coaches and clients has led us to stand out in the marketplace.

That level of dedication and commitment to providing a global service means that now, more than ever, we are perfectly positioned to provide distance coaching and talent development.

Virtual Coaching

Technology means that we are now able to have virtual face-to-face meetings with people anywhere in the world, even if our offices are in Southern California and Las Vegas. Being able to see each other’s body language and expressions allow for much better communication than can be achieved simply via phone or email.

Virtual coaching has some great advantages as well. You can book coaching sessions at days and times that fit in with your schedule, there’s no transport time to think about, and no need to book meeting rooms.

Distance or virtual coaching might happen remotely but that doesn’t make it any less personal. The program design is still completely tailored to your needs, and all sessions will still be a collaborative journey between you and your coach.

How To Get The Most Out Of Every Session:

Training programs are an investment, and like any investment, it makes sense to maximize your return. If you are given or are giving yourself, the opportunity to participate in any type of professional development, whether it’s an online training program or one to one performance coaching there are things you can do to make sure you get the most out of it.


Communication is vital for a successful coaching relationship. You need to be willing and able to communicate openly and honestly with your coach from the start to get the most out of your coaching session.

A good coaching relationship is based on trust and rapport regardless of whether your training session is online or face to face. Our virtual team all have exceptional coaching skills, but if the trust isn’t there and communication channels aren’t open you will never get as much as you could from the experience.

It’s also important to communicate what a successful coaching outcome would look like to you. Do this early and you can both refer back to this and assess progress throughout the relationship.

Come Prepared

The more you bring to each session and the more engaged you are with the process the more you will get out of the experience. So come prepared with your goals, your concerns and what you hope to learn.

Unlike a group training session coaching is, by its nature, individually tailored to your specific training and development needs. So if one of your goals is to improve your ability to communicate difficult information to project managers let your coach know so you can work on that and be ready to talk about examples.

Be Open to New Ideas

Executive coaching is all about accessing your innate abilities and taking you from good to exceptional. That process will almost certainly take you out of your comfort zone to some degree, although with the support and dedication of the right coach and an openness to new ideas you’ll find your comfort zone rapidly expanding.

Protect the Time

When meetings are not face-to-face it can be much easier for other things to get in the way. You might block out the time in your diary but if you are in your office phone calls, emails and even people knocking on the door can all interrupt your training session.

To get the most out of every session, find a way to make sure you are not disturbed. Let colleagues know you are in a meeting, turn off notifications and perhaps even take yourself somewhere else.

It’s also important that you show up wanting to get as much as possible out of each session as you can. Coaching only works if you are coachable and that is as much about mindset as anything else.

Is distance coaching something you’d like to explore? Call to find out more! (949) 260-0300

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