Fun things to do at home in Los Angeles during LockDown

| May 29, 2020

los angeles lockdown ideas by leets consortium


Fun things to do at home in Los Angeles during Lock Down

Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti is continuing to urge people to stay at home as much as possible to prevent a further coronavirus outbreak as COVID-19 deaths continue, at a much slower rate.

Despite some restrictions being loosened in the new safer at home order, including low-risk Los Angeles businesses and restaurants being allowed to open for curbside trading providing they follow health officials guidelines. It seems we’re all likely to be spending much more time at home than we usually would at this time of year.

So with social distancing set to continue for some time, and a cloth face-covering being the latest fashion accessory when you do go out, here’s a list of fun things you can do at home to fight the Los Angles coronavirus blues.

Take up a new hobby

Art classes

You might not be able to go to a class in person but there are limitless online tutorials covering everything from doodles to learning from the great masters.

If online classes aren’t your thing you can still indulge your creative side. Coloring books are a great way to relax and unwind or why not let your inner artist take over. Get a big canvas and some paints, turn the music up loud and just go for it. You never know you might find a hidden talent you never realized you had.


There’s something very meditative about sitting with a needle and thread. It’s relaxing and productive at the same time. You can get easy beginners kits online, the finished items make lovely gifts, or you could have fun adding embroidery to old items of clothing.

Alternatively if you are handy with a needle and thread or sewing machine, why not start sewing funky face masks? As there is no treatment for covid19 the California department of public health is urging people to protect themselves including by wearing cloth masks if they have to go out so why not design your own collection.


Calligraphy is a bit of a forgotten art but there is something timeless, stylish and very personal about sending a beautifully hand-penned note.

You can buy all the materials you need online and find some really good step by step tutorials.

Learn to knit

With indoor socializing feeling like a distant dream why not invest in some needles and yarn and knit yourself something cozy so you can enjoy sitting outside and stay warm at the same time.


Puzzles might feel like they are exclusively designed for the very young and the very old but there are actually lots of health benefits to doing puzzles. They can improve memory, problem-solving skills and visual-spatial reasoning, increase your IQ, reduce stress levels and improve your mood.

Virtual wine tasting

There’s no need to miss out on the finer things in life during lock-down. Online wine tastings range from group zoom bookings where participants each get sent a collection of wines in advance to live-streamed virtual tastings on Youtube.

Zoom tastings can be a great way to reconnect with clients or reward staff and team build while maintaining social distancing protocols.

Get your Culture-fix From Your Living Room

You can live stream pretty much anything you want directly to your living room at the moment. Take a trip to the zoo or aquarium, ride epic roller coasters, and take intimate guided tours of museums and art galleries.

Stargazing and the Northern Lights

If you’ve always wanted to see the northern lights why not set up a cozy spot on the living room floor and project a live stream of the northern lights onto your ceiling?

If you have children you could have an indoor camping adventure complete with campfire favorites and hot chocolate then snuggle down together to watch the stars. You don’t even have to wait until it’s dark outside.

Enjoy Theater, Ballet and the Opera

There has never been such a huge number of incredible performances available online. You can now watch breathtaking dance, theater, circus, opera and orchestras from the comfort of your own home.

Instead of watching in your pajamas why not dress for the occasion, connect with friends on zoom, indulge in a pre-show cocktail and enjoy an after-show chat over dessert.

Learn to Cook Something New

Social media might be a great place to get bite-size updates on breaking news and it certainly provides a constant reminder that we are in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, but Insta baking is also a thing.

Cooking is good for the soul if possibly not for the waistline and a quick search online will give you amazing recipes for whatever you’re craving. You could learn to make exquisite dishes directly from Michelin star chefs, or you could have a silly quarantine bake-off with friends.

Get Fit

Physical gyms may still be closed but there are so many online classes to choose from that now is the perfect time to try something new while you shift those coronavirus crisis pounds.

Try a new dance class, enjoy daily yoga practice or get fit with the kids by joining in with Joe Wicks daily workouts.

Reopening protocols have also included allowing running at the beach, so long as you wear facial coverings so getting fit can be done outdoors as well as at home.

Get to Know Your Neighbors

Communities around the world have come together in amazing ways to support health care providers and each other in these unprecedented times and there are lots of inspiring example of neighbors getting to know each other and having fun all at a safe distance.

You could organize a communal outdoor movie screening, have a balcony or doorstep street party, or arrange a neighborhood concert.

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